The Shaken Not Stirred Gala is February 8th!
To attend, purchase your tickets online by Feb 5th: Buy Tickets
Can’t attend the event? You can buy raffle tickets or bid on the silent auction items online!
Purchase your paperless raffle tickets: Grand Raffle
Make Cash Donations or Bid on Silent Auction Items: Shaken Not Stirred | Greater Giving Online Bidding
Father McCarthy's next class on the Psalms will be on Thursday, February 6th. Join us after 6:30 PM Mass in the St. Louis meeting room.
You can view previous classes here:
The PsalmsDue to our previously scheduled special speaker for Food for the Poor, our parishioners were unable to hear the homily prepared by the Archbishop for the Catholic Ministry Appeal. Please use the links below to listen to or read the homily.
We are entering the winter season. If St. Louis School is cancelled, all activities are cancelled except Daily Mass.
Activities are cancelled regardless of the weather later in the day.
On the weekend, in the case of a Level 2 or 3 snow emergency, the Mass schedule will be:
Saturday 4:30 PM St. Louis Church
Sunday 10:30 AM St. Louis Church