Vision, Mission, and Values of Holy Family Parishes
Our Vision
A Catholic community of like-minded believers, striving to be one parish, under the Cross of Christ.
Our Mission
Through worship, evangelization, and stewardship, lead people to know, love, and serve the Lord in this world and to be happy with Him forever in the next.
Our 7 Family Values
We value …
Liturgy and Sacraments, the reason and purpose for our existence
Church Teachings and Traditions
Respect for the pastor and the proper roles and gifts each one brings to Holy Family, Clermont Co.
Personal prayer and service
Accepting our crosses
Beauty, sacredness, and truth
Our Parish Prayer
Good and gracious Lord, I thank You for the gift of my faith. Make our parishes of one mind and heart.
Let the Holy Spirit fill us with faith, hope and charity so to be kind and forgiving.
Let us be devout and prayerful in worship and welcoming to those who enter our doors.
Give us the grace to be generous with our time, talent, and treasure. Help us to accept our crosses with humility, and to trust in Your Divine Providence.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.